Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
Eric Terrill | Undersea Imaging, Correction, and Reconstruction using Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles | I mainly was working with a new AUV platform called the Hydrus, as well as preforming color correction and analysis on images and photogrametry. | previous experience coding and knowledge of circuits/general robotics concepts. | Electrical Engineering |
Florian Meyer | IMU Based Localization in Underwater Robotics | I was tasked with building an IMU data collection system within the Iver3 AUV. This included handling both the physical and software implementations (soldering, com port selection, code troubleshooting, usb/rs232 protocol). I also got to do a deployment, for which I designed missions and controlled the robot the entire time. I was also responsible for processing and interpreting data. | Class work related to embedded systems, robotic sensor design, serial communication, etc. I probably needed more linear algebra and probability experience in lab classes in order to do more data processing, but I felt well prepared for building and evaluating a system that did the data collection. Discussion on post processing, filtering, and data interpretation with the Grad students/PI was extremely helpful. | Engineering |
Jules Jaffe | Lagrangian Floats: Exploring Power and Control Systems for the VOLT | work on the VOLT | mechatronics class, circuits classes, los alamos fellowship from last summer | Mechanical Engineering |
Simone Baumann-Pickering | Decoding Beaked Whale Presence: Acoustic Insights in the Western North Atlantic | At first, I did a literature review to gain a basic understanding of beaked whales and acoustics. Then, I was responsible for analyzing data from acoustic recording devices to understand beaked whale presence in the western North Atlantic. After analyzing the data, I was tasked with visualizing the results (writing my own MATLAB code) and understanding the trends I saw in my data. | I felt as though the limited coding I had done in R helped me work through writing my own code in MATLAB. Also, I felt my ecology-based major allowed me to quickly understand the background information of my project and understand the trends I saw in the data. | Wildlife Ecology and Management |
Sophia Merrifield | Travel Time Analysis of Atmospheric Ducting for X-band Radio Propagation | I designed and implemented enhancements to the experimental apparatus and data analysis software used for capturing travel time measurements of atmospheric signal propagation. | Previous research experiences, physics background, and familiarity with programming. | Physics and Computer Science |
Luc Lenain | Observations of Surface Waves from Instrumented Wave Gliders | This summer, I worked to instrument wave gliders and used spectral analysis on wave glider observations to better understand wind-wave interactions. I gained experience in the lab, working to ensure all instrumentation was working and gathering good data before a deployment in the north Atlantic. I also analyzed wave glider data from the Bay of Bengal, specifically with the goal of understanding the role of wind-wave interactions during the onset of the monsoon season. | Math (especially calculus), Physical Oceanography, Coding (MATLAB) | Oceanic and Atmospheric Science |
Luc Lenain | Assessing numerical predictions of fog in the Yellow Sea | I compared model data to field data from Korea, looking at what the model was getting wrong. | Knowing how to code and use Matlab, having previous research experience looking at oceanographic data. | Electrical Engineering |
Jules Jaffe | Low Cost Plankton Imaging with the Baby Net Cam | I worked on optimizing the optical setup for a towed plankton camera. | Some of my baseline computer science knowledge was helpful, but most of it I learned once I got here. | Physics |
Bill Hodgkiss | Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing | I worked on analyzing a data set from 1996 in MatLab following the instructions and assignments issued to me by my advisor. I also spend a couple weeks at the end of the internship helping out around the SOARS lab after my project partner and I reached the end of what our PI had planned for us several weeks before the end of the internship. | My mathematical knowledge helped me grasp FFTs relatively quickly and my experience with MatLab helped quite a lot. | Mathematics |
Bill Hodgkiss | Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing | Myself and another intern were learning about the intricacies of acoustic signal processing using data that was collected in 1996. | I had taken an Underwater Acoustics class that gave me a basic understanding of underwater signal processing. I also had sufficient Matlab experience. | Ocean Engineering |
Drew Lucas | Renewable Energy and the Livewire | I mainly focused on circuit design for the livewire project this summer. I worked on one specific circuit on my own with the feedback of my supervisor. I shopped around for important parts for the project online and spent a lot of time drafting schematics, breadboarding, and soldering. | My understanding of mathematic and physics principles. My ability to self-study. | Electrical Engineering |
Grant Deane | Acoustic Analysis of Bubbles Emitted from the Melting of Tidewater Glaciers | Analyzed audio data from the melting of tidewater glaciers to determine a connection between the sound and melt. | My background in physics, geophysics, and glaciology were helpful in understanding how to look at the data. My programming and signal processing knowledge helped me execute ideas. | Earth Science B.S. & Physics B.S |
Alejandra Sanchez-Rios | Hypoxia and Internal Waves in the Gulf of Mexico | I did a lot of coding and helped around the lab with various tasks. | Integrative Biology |

Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
Amy Waterhouse / Yassir Eddebar / Gunnar Voet | Tropical Instability Wave Signatures on Marine Biogeochemistry from BGC-Argo Float Observations | Develop research questions regarding tropical instability waves and biogeochemical cycles; create functions to collocate BGC Argo floats within tropical instability waves using BGC Argo float profiles, sea surface temperature satellite data, and sea level anomaly satellite data; analyze nutrient concentrations from argo profiles within different substructures of a tropical instability wave. | A background in geochemistry and oceanic circulation systems was helpful for developing research questions and goals. | Geophysical Sciences |
Andrew Lucas | Livewire: Harnessing the Energy of Ocean Waves | Help finalize development of the Livewire vertical profiler, an evolution of the Wirewalker system previously developed at SIO. Responsibilities include designing and machining new mechanical pieces and molds for the system, making and repairing electrical connections on its electronics board, and thoroughly testing the system upon each new improvement. | My engineering background, knowing Fusion 360 ,and basic machine shop practices were helpful. | Mechanical Engineering |
Andrew Lucas | Livewire: Harnessing the Energy of Ocean Waves | Work on a vertical ocean profiler that generated power from ocean waves. We had an almost functional prototype, and my task was to make it work. This entailed a variety of responsibilities ranging from mechanical design and manufacturing to experimenting with microcontrollers and embedded systems. | Previous experience with coding courses was useful for much of my work. I also drew from my background of mechanical design. | Mechanical Engineering |
Bill Hodgkiss | Sounds of the Sea: What Can We Learn by Listening? | Work with an old acoustic data set to learn about passive localization as well as geoacoustic inversions (getting information about the environment based on how sound interacts with the seafloor). | Matlab, Fourier transforms, linear algebra. | Electrical Engineering |
Dariusz Stramski | Expanding high-quality field datasets in support of ocean color satellitemissions: Determination of ocean remote-sensing reflectance | Develop computer codes to process data from near-surface radiometric measurements. | Having a strong coding background in different languages was super helpful. | Applied Mathematics, Physics |
Dariusz Stramski | Expanding high-quality field datasets in support of ocean color satellite missions: Determination of the diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance in the ocean | Develop algorithms in matlab used to test neural network model, prep filters in the lab for future cruise, help deploy novel instrumentation. | Knowing how to use matlab and understanding Radiometric concepts. | Optical Engineering |
Florian Meyer | Developing a Robotic Platform for the Implementation of Side-Scan Sonar Localization | Developing robot software stack, specifically altitude estimation and object detection; Collection of training data for object detection algorithms by deploying off of Scripps pier; Creation of a new set of landmarks for field tests; Resolution of EMI in sonar data. | Coding, Electromagnetics, Antennas, Robotics. | Electrical Engineering |
Florian Meyer | Robotic Landmark-Based Localization using Side-Scan Sonar | Creating an affordable and light localization system to be tested on surface autonomous vehicles. Worked with grad students and other lab interns to deploy robotic vehicle off of the Scripps Pier for testing. | Coding, math, engineering, and problem solving. | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Heechun Song | Blind Deconvolution Processes and Applications of Computational Methods to Solving Differential Equations in Ocean Acoustics | Physics, Mathematics | ||
John Hildebrand / Joshua Jones | Using Automated Detection to Identify Baleen Whale Presence in Saglek Bay, Canada | I was tasked with developing a detector to automatically locate baleen whale calls from acoustic data in the Arctic. I spent the beginning of my internship manually locating signals to familiarize myself with the soundscape. Then I ran and adjusted parameters for an automated detector to focus in on my signals of interest. I finished by analyzing the detectors code to understand it. I worked in MATLAB exclusively, I wrote functions to compare parameters, extract contours, and eliminate duplicate calls. | My physics and programming background helped me greatly in understanding concepts and getting work done. | Mechanical Engineering |
Jules Jaffe | Deconvolution Microscopy for the Study of Marine Benthic Organisms | Perform a literature review on Deconvolution Microscopy. | My understanding of mathematic and physics principles. My ability to self-study. | Math, Physics |
Luc Lenain | Simulating Surface Waves | Assisted in writing a surface flow solver in the Julia language, and worked on theory and dynamics of Stokes drift. | My theoretical physics background was helpful for understanding what I was working on. My numerical skills were essential for making progress. | Physics |
Sophia Merrifield / Mika Siegelman | Chlorophyll Variability around Palau | I worked in Python to formulate satellite chlorophyll data around Palau into graphs that were then analyzed for patterns. | My math and bio backgrounds really helped me learn how to code and process data into readable graphs. | Mathematics |
Mu Xiao / Christopher Delaney | Validating Hydrological and Reservoir Forecasting Models | I was responsible for collecting snow data and verifying FIRO model training data. | Coding. | Environmental Engineering |
Nicole Couto/Arnaud Le Boyer | Infer ocean velocities through the inertial measurement unit of a semi-lagrangian profiler | Analyzing data from the epsilometer and writing code. | My coding and math background. | Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, Math |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Ella Kim | Investigating Fish Chorusing in the Southern California Bight | Logged fish chorusing data, started early steps of training machine learning program to detect low frequency fish choursing. | A strong biology and chemistry background. | Marine Biology |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Kaitlin Frasier | Machine Learning Methods of Fish Chorusing Classification in the Gulf of Mexico | Expand machine learning documentation of soundscape in Gulf of Mexico | Prior research experience and familiarity with the graduate school process. | Marine and Coastal Sciences |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Lauren Baggett | Using Acoustic Monitoring to Localize Cuvier’s Beaked Whales near the Channel Islands | Data processing. | Animal biology and taxonomy knowledge, some coding expereince. | Biological Sciences |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Michaela Alksne | Symphony of Giants: Harnessing Passive Acoustic Monitoring to Safeguard Blue Whales | I was tasked with manually identifying and clarifying whale calls to develop a training data set that will be used for machine learning. | Attitude and dedication to grow. | Chemistry |
Sophia Merrifield / Allison Ho | XBand Observations of Wake Breaking Over Hydrographer's Bank | I was tasked with processing and analyzing radar data taken from a recent cruise in Palau to try and assess the conditions for and dynamics behind wavefronts breaking over a bank. | My background in applied mathematics and programming in Matlab. | Physics |
Sophia Merrifield / John Lodise | Patterns in Extratropical Cyclone Activity Explained Through Climate Mode Analysis | Understanding of physical aspects of my research in Extratropical Cyclones and Climate Modes, coding in Matlab, talks and presentations. | My coding background. | Atmospheric and Oceanic Science |
Sophia Merrifield / Ryan McCarthy | Depth-Dependent Community Composition Observations in the San Pedro Basin | I coded a lot and watched ROV footage | I utilized biology, computer science, and math the most. | Biology, Mathematics |

Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
Florian Meyer | Calculating Altitude from Side-Scan Sonar for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation |
Programming, code documentation, literature review, testing hardware and code. |
Programming experience from classes and extracurriculars, mostly. | Computer Engineering |
John Hildebrand / Joshua Jones | Assembling intuitive soundscapes | Identify, extract, and assemble audio samples from ship transits; operate a reel-to-reel tape recorder; clean jars in the pelagic invertebrate collection. | Basic understanding of music production software; familiarity with Excel and MATLAB. | Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences; Music (Vocal Performance) |
John Hildebrand / Sean Wiggins | Low Frequency Hydrophone Calibration - Development and Testing of an In-Air Calibration Chamber | I was basically given an entire research project where I had to find if the theoretical transfer function for hydrophones were accurate for low frequencies. I continued upon a previous researcher's experiment and was able to confirm they are accurate. | Knowing MATLAB was extremely important and some CAD helped as well, the type of work I was doing was all new to me so I had to learn the theory of my research at work. | Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering |
Jules Jaffe | Optimization and Evaluation of Inverse Models for Estimating the Inherent Optical Properties of Seawater from Ocean Reflectance Measurements | Redesigned and built a new system to image plankton in the lab. | Coding. | Math |
Jules Jaffe | Tailoring the Smart Underwater Imaging Telemeters (SUITs) | Assist around the lab in assembly, design and improve the software and hardware of the Smart Underwater Imaging Telemeter. | Coding background. | Mechanical Engineering |
Sean Wiggins / Kieran Lenssen | Building a Prototype Hydrophone | I was responsible for building a prototype two-sensor hydrophone. I also built a normal hydrophone which is now being deployed in the Gulf of Mexico. | My hands-on experience and CAD knowledge from competing in the FIRST robotics competition in high school was probably the most applicable skill for my internship. It would have been nice to have taken a MATLAB programming course before starting the internship. | Mechanical Engineering |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Alba Solsona Berga | Beaked Whale Localization: Track Identification | Environmental Engineering | ||
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Ella Kim | Fish chorusing in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary | My main goal was to analyze LSTAs for fish choruses and log them using MATLAB. After I finished I transferred the data into rStudio and created visuals to look at the spacial and temporal patterns of the choruses. | My understanding of statistics was helpful, as well as the marine science class I took in high school. | Environmental Science, Tech, and Policy |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Michaela Alksne | Biogeographic Patterns of Pacific White-Sided Dolphins | I mostly processed data using several programs and codes in MATLAB, as well as graphed results in R and helped with mentor's paper (I asked to do that). | I'd done some acoustics before that was most helpful; I'm not sure how much of my academic background contributed. | Ecology, Behavior, Evolution |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Morgan Ziegenhorn | Odontocete acoustic mixed-species assemblages (MSAs) off the west coast of Hawai'i Island | Analyze echolocation clicks in DetEdit to identify mixed-species assemblages of odontocetes; statistically assess the significance of overlap in species presence. | I previously completed an eight-week marine bioacoustics research internship, which sparked my interest in the subject and helped develop my computer programming skills. This experience, combined with my background in marine ecology and coursework in marine acoustics and sound propagation, helped during the internship. | Marine Science and Psychology |
William Hodgkiss | SWellEx96 Acoustic Modeling and Data Analysis | Working with a fellow intern to learn signal processing with the help of our PI, and applying the skills we learned to localize sound sources using a data set given to us. | Classes taken and other internships done. | Marine Science and Physics |
William Hodgkiss | SWellEx96 Acoustic Modeling and Data Analysis | During the first half of my internship, I worked under the guidance of Dr. Hodgkiss to learn the basics of underwater acoustics, signal processing, and data analysis. The second half of my internship focused on applying these concepts to work with different models and eventually actual data. | Courses in geology and math provided me with a good background for understanding the basis for underwater acoustics. Day to day, it was nice to have some prior experience with coding since most of my work involved MATLAB. | Geology |
Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
Andrew Lucas | The Design Process: Epsi-fish, APEX(Autonomous Profiling Explorer), and Wirewalker | Designing new components for the lab and redesigning components on instruments; designing and prototyping instrumentation components. | Mechanical Engineering | |
Andrew Lucas | The Design Process: Epsi-fish, APEX(Autonomous Profiling Explorer), and Wirewalker | CAD designing, machining, and making products. For example, the lab would need a new design for an instrument, so I would begin designing what was wanted and follow through all the way to the final product. | My previous CAD experience and MAE 3 course was the most helpful during the internship because there were many design projects that required the efficient process of starting with ideas to producing prototypes and actual final products. In addition, basic communication and team work skills were helpful. | Environmental Engineering |
Andrew Lucas | The Design Process: Epsi-fish, APEX (Autonomous Profiling Explorer), and Wirewalker | The Multiscale Ocean Dynamics Lab generally has a lot of projects going on. During my summer I was tasked with redesigning a component for a big probe that falls through the water while taking measurements. I had to model concepts in 3D CAD software, fabricate prototypes, and test them, all the while tackling design and manufacturing challenges. | MAE 3 was helpful because I'm working in a lab that has a lot of design based projects going on. MAE 3 is a course that has a major project that taught me some things that are important when designing components / instruments. | Mechanical Engineering |
Dariusz Stramski | Optimization and Evaluation of Inverse Models for Estimating the Inherent Optical Properties of Seawater from Ocean Reflectance Measurements | Learning how the inherent optical properties of seawater describing the light absorption and scattering can be estimated from inverse models using the input data from ocean reflectance measurements and how the total absorption coefficient of seawater can be partitioned into contributions associated with phytoplankton and non-phytoplankton constituents of seawater. Working on inverse reflectance and absorption partitioning models to optimize the computer codes and evaluate the performance of models by comparing model-derived results with field data. | Programming skills, background in physics. | Computational Physics |
David Chadwell | Monitoring the Subduction Rate of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using GPS-A | Learning how to operate and troubleshoot wave glider technology, create and organize binders for field work testing, operate equipment and software such as: wave glider, wave glider management system, iWand, Dunker system, transponder recoveries, various tests, etc | Non-academic working skills. | Geology |
David Chadwell | Monitoring the Subduction Rate of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using GPS-A | Myself and the other intern in our lab were responsible for assisting our PI in troubleshooting any problems that arose with the machine we were working on. We were given various tasks by the PI each day and either worked on our own or worked with them to solve these problems. We also helped in organizing files and papers that would be needed for the sea trip that we took. While on the sea trip we were also responsible for helping to launch the wave glider, which was the machine we were working on, and collecting data. | Any experience I had with computers or electronics or computer software was very helpful in the internship. It was also helpful being a somewhat organized person; there were many tasks that involved organizing files on the computer and keeping track of various papers or information. Basic engineering skills or just knowing how to operate simple tools was helpful but not necessary. | Environmental Management and Protection |
Eric Terrill | Using Machine Learning to Predict Wave Glider Speed | Developed a machine learning model (neural network in Python using environmental parameters to estimate speed of autonomous surface vehicle), engineered a charging deckbox (solidworks, flowsim, and actually building it) . | Coding ability was the most important skill going into this. | Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science |
Grant Deane | Arctic Expedition: Svalbard 2019 | Traveled to the Arctic to perform glaciology research for a month, and upon returning was tasked with designing a research buoy. | My PI tailored my tasks to fit the engineering knowledge I have accumulated. | Mechanical Engineering |
John Hildebrand | Foraging Behavior of Gulf of Mexico Bryde Whales | Worked on finding a strategy to better analyze data and interpret it. | My advanced mechanics and calculus classes. I wish I came in knowing how to code. | Physics |
Jules Jaffe | Characterizing Bacterial Motility Using the Moore Microscope | Tracked particles from images I took using a microscope in our lab. | Programming skills. | Physics |
Kaitlin Frasier | Foraging Behavior of Gulf of Mexico Bryde Whales | Mechanical Engineering | ||
Ken Melville / Luc Lenain | Deep Water Breaking Wave Statistics | Sought to measure certain statistics of deep water wave breaking. Had some guidance on this, but all of the drive to complete it was self-driven. | Any experience with coding helped, and in addition things I studied in previous Earth Science classes like wave motion. | Physics (concentration in Earth Science) |
Sean Wiggins | Building the Series 10 Hydrophone | Mechanical Engineering | ||
Sean Wiggins | Building the Series 10 Hydrophone | Prototype and build a hydrophone that combines the concepts of the two current types: oil filled and potted. We started with micro-soldering components onto a PCB and then checked all the test points and calibrated it. We then came up with a new design and learned how to pot wires/cables in clear urethane so the system would be watertight. After assembling everything and checking connections, we ran a series of tests and compared the results to the current hydrophones to determine what aspects of this design were better and which ones were worse and then worked on fixing the ones that were worse. | I don't think anything I learned in school helped me for this internship, but what I have learned in this internship will definitely help me in school | Mechanical Engineering |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Natalie Posdaljian | Exploring Sperm Whale Population Demography in the Eastern North Pacific through Passive Acoustic Monitoring | Performed analysis on acoustic data obtained from HARP devices. Studied sperm whale clicks and classifying the sex of the animal from ICI and IPI. | Most of the tasks that I performed in this internship, I had no previous background in before, e.g using Matlab programs etc. Having a general background knowledge on marine mammals as well as how to read and annotate academic journals was helpful. | General Biology |
Simone Baumann-Pickering / Natalie Posdaljian | Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) and the detection of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in Antarctica | Processed a lot of data from HARP deployments in Antarctica using passive acoustic monitoring to detect sperm whales and other cetaceans. | Previous research experience, both with whale acoustics and with the general reality of research. It isn't always as glamorous as it seems to be. | Environmental and Sustainability Sciences |
William Hodgkiss | Matched Field Processing with SWellEx-96 | Courses taken during my third year such as fluids/signals/controls/etc. | Mechanical Engineering | |
William Hodgkiss | Matched Field Processing with SWellEx-96 | Chemical Engineering | ||
William Hodgkiss | SwellEx-96 Experiment Introduction | Learning digital signal processing skills, acoustic wave theory, and Matlab. Completing practice assignments to better learn the skills necessary to explore and filter acquired data. Performing spectral analysis on experimental data. | I found that having a basic knowledge in Python helped me learn Matlab and not be as overwhelmed with the coding process. I also found that coming in having taken many math, physics, and geology classes, and some classes focused on wave propagation, physics of the earth, and digital signal processing helped me as well! | Geophysical Engineering |
Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
A Turbulent Affair: The Epsilometer, the Wirewalker, and the Epsifish |
Analyze data, write up processes / findings, build some of parts for epsilometer, help around lab where needed. |
Basic knowledge of Matlab, understanding of basic physics relating to ocean dynamics (though what kind depends on your specific lab). |
Physiology / Neuroscience |
Investigation of Inherent Optical Properties of Seawater and Applications of Inverse Optical Models in the Arctic Ocean |
My responsibilities included, but were not limited to, writing algorithms, validating algorithms, and applying algorithms to satellite data. My goal was to determine where these algorithms struggle and find out why they struggle. I really enjoyed the independent experience I gained, as I would often find myself asking questions about why something doesn't work or why something happens, and then applying my knowledge and tools to discover answers to these questions. |
Everything! From having strong communication skills to computer coding and everything in-between all skills I've learned through college coursework helped me succeed at SIO. |
Physics |
Observing Marine Geophysics: GPS-Acoustic Measurements in the Cascadia Subduction Zone |
My responsibilities included testing GPS equipment, assisting in research activities on cruises, small boat operations with the wave glider off of Scripps Pier, recording and editing GoPro footage, and data analysis of past years. |
I felt very confident in working with GPS data and surveying equipment because of my academic background. I also felt like I could critically think through problems to solve during my internship. |
Geographic Information Science |
Observing Marine Geophysics: GPS-Acoustic Measurements in the Cascadia Subduction Zone |
Assisted research in measuring crustal deformation through seafloor mapping. Conducted testing to confirm repeatability and accuracy of instruments. Designed mission plan for unmanned ocean navigation vehicle. |
My basic engineering and handywoman skills were helpful for testing equipment. Additionally, my data analysis skills in Excel and statistical knowledge were helpful. |
Environmental Engineering |
Using Bubble Noise to Measure the Melting Rate of Glacier Ice |
I had my own project, trying to use bubble noise to measure the melting rate of glacier ice. My PI was very results-oriented, so I didn't have any day to day responsibilities, as long as I was productive. |
I think nearly everything was learnable during the internship, as long as I was willing to put in the effort and not say "I don't have time to learn that." It was helpful that I knew a bit of Matlab and that I read up on bubble dynamics before coming. |
Physics |
Snapping Shrimp Acoustics |
Debugging a program and using it to process data involving snapping shrimp snaps. |
Computer science. |
Electrical Engineering and Physics |
John Hildebrand PI / Natalie Posdaljian |
A Tale of Two Gulfs: Comparing Weather, Anthropogenic, and Biological Sounds |
I was responsible for going through LTSA files and verifying the ship detector for HARP deployments in the Gulfs of Mexico and Alaska. |
My environmental studies background helped provide context for the work that I was doing, especially the courses I took related to marine biology. |
Environmental Studies |
Jules Jaffe PI |
Measuring Current Velocity with Particle Image Velocimetry |
Helped my grad student with his project. Learned a bit about the software , hardware and theoretical aspects of the project. I liked that I was able to be exposed to a lot of new things and gain many new skills. |
Signals and systems, linear algebra. |
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Marine Science |
Jules Jaffe PI / Paul Roberts |
Surface Area Estimates Using SFM (Surface from Motion) 3D Modeling Techniques |
I worked in a lab employing 3D modeling techniques to estimate coral surface area. |
Physics, math, and computer science classes. |
Physics |
Ocean Fronts Off Kaena Point |
I worked mostly on organizing and visualizing and analyzing field data. This involved a lot of coding in MATLAB, a language I knew nothing about before I came, but was able to pick up fairly easily because of my previous coding experience with Python and C. |
Programming (especially data visualization) and practice giving presentations. |
Geophysical Sciences |
Matthew Alford PI / Andrew Lucas PI / Michael Goldin |
A Turbulent Affair: The Epsilometer, the Wirewalker, and the Epsifish |
I helped create probes for the epsilometer and helped design things for my supervisors, engineers, and scientists in the lab whenever they needed a part or device made. After I designed those objects, I would use the tools provided in the lab to create them. |
My design and structural engineering classes helped me with my understanding of devices and mechanisms that I was introduced to at work. They also helped me with my understanding of design processes. |
Structural Engineering |
Measuring Sensitivity of Parameters Using Matched Field Processing |
I was given the task to do matched field processing on the SWellEx-96 experiment data and then from there investigate the sensitivity of the matched field results as a parameter was varied. |
Physics and computational science. |
Physics |
Shallow Water Passive Source Localization |
Signal processing and analyzing ocean acoustic data. |
Courses in digital signal processing, ordinary differential equations, physics (waves). |
Math, Electrical Engineering |
Designing a Strong 3D Printed Scaffold with a Low Structural Impedance |
Designed and modeled 3D printed structures that hold MEMS microphones that surround a target object for acoustic experiments. Measured the acoustic signature of structures through sound experiments with analog microphones and matched field processing methods in MATLAB. |
My major classes (Signals & Systems, Computational Methods with MATLAB, Mathematical Physics, etc.) gave me the background knowledge I needed to get started in my project since it involved wave interaction with structures and signal processing. Also, my project team experience prepared me with working with 3D printers as well as interacting with other people from different technical backgrounds in a project. |
Mechanical Engineering |
Faculty / Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor |
Intern Research Topic |
Responsibilities |
Aspects of Intern Academic Background Intern Found Helpful During Their Internship |
Intern Major |
Ana Sirovic (PI)/ Jack Butler |
Chorusing Fish in the La Jolla Kelp Forest: 2015 - Present |
I spent my time 50/50: computer lab and field work. At the computer I was looking at existing acoustic data and logging 4 different scenarios manually when I encountered them over 3 years of data. In the field I was using my experience as a scientific scuba diver to deploy instruments (hydrophone arrays, underwater camera) in the kelp forest off La Jolla. |
Scientific SCUBA certification, basic understanding of marine biology, introductory physics classes. |
Marine Biology, Business Management Economics |
Data Processing of the SWELLEX-96 Experiment |
Responsibilities included reading and programming. |
Physics |
Physics |
Investigating Geoacoustic Properties of Seabed Sediments Offshore Rhode Island |
Responsible for effectively learning about digital signal processing and ocean acoustics from texts and lecture materials provided by my PI. I then applied those principles to plotting the spectral content of acoustic data, and modeling the acoustic waveguide based on measured qualities of the environment, especially seabed sediments. |
My physics, physics lab, math and geophysics classes were helpful because I had some idea of the background and basis of my work coming in. Especially helpful was my note-taking habits that I developed in physics lab, so that I would have detailed records of everything I did each day, which made it easy to pick up where I left off. |
Physics |
Determinations of the Volume Scattering Function and Depolarization Ratio of Pure Seawater |
Participation in laboratory experiments to measure multi-angle light scattering of pure seawater with DAWN instrument and determine the dependence of depolarization ratio of pure seawater on salinity of water. Development of improved data processing code and its use to analyze light scattering data collected with DAWN. |
Research experience, familiarity with the math, being a physics major. |
Physics |
Analyzing the State of Fault Locking on the Frontal Thrust of the Cascadia Subduction Zone |
Monitoring wave glider power status, piloting website, learning to operate components of wave glider, understand the goal and methods of our project, launched WG off coast of Newport, Oregon, and retrieved it. |
Some of my previous geologic knowledge helped me to understand the process of how tectonics move and what we're trying to accomplish from this research. |
Geology |
Phytoplankton Blooms and the Diurnal Warm Layer in Southern California |
Used MATLAB to analyze data from the Langmuir cruise, specifically looking at wind and chlorophyll data. |
My coding background was especially helpful since most of my work was in MATLAB |
Environmental Engineering |
Characteristics of Equilibrium-Range Wave Spectra From Buoys and Autonomous Surface Vehicles |
Worked on understanding surface wave physics from a dataset collected over a three week cruise. I was coding / investigating and also helped build wave buoys. |
Physics, previous research experience, CS & CODING!!! |
Physics / Astronomy |
Identifying and Understanding Fishing Activity in the South Pacific |
Worked on the project provided and prepared updates and presentations within my lab as well for the formal internship program. |
Background knowledge. Coding ability. Previous at sea experience. |
Biology and Earth and Ocean Science |
investigating the Spectral Characteristics of Snapping Shrimp |
Frequently met with a graduate student in my lab and did various processing of acoustic data. Worked primarily on looking at changes over time by testing individual time slots. |
My ability to use MATLAB was very useful for my internship. |
Applied Mathematical Sciences |
Micro Flow Over Fish Scales |
Worked on developing and validating our experimental setup, coded, adapted, and tested analysis for experimental use, gathered data, and analyzed results. Basically a mini-slice of the scientific process. |
Programming experience, background in math should include linear algebra and at least calculus for physics-oriented work |
Applied Physics |
Finding Stokes' Drift of Deep Water Solitons |
Was able to devise my own experiment (under significant guidance) and conduct tests in the wave tank of the Hydraulics Lab. Lab experiments were supplemented by lots of reading and signal processing. |
I found the knowledge from my Mathematical Physics and Circuits classes to be unexpectedly useful. This internship reinforced the idea that I should learn more math (which doesn't get reinforced that often in daily life). |
Engineering Physics |
Time of Flight: Measuring Water Current Velocity With Ultrasonic Transducers |
Responsible for testing and calibrating time to digital converters and ultrasonic transducers which would be used to make a water velocity sensor. In addition to working with the electronics, was also responsible for CADing and machining test equipment and for helping out with general lab tasks. |
My engineering background was a huge help during my internship, but my past experiences on extracurricular project teams were just as helpful, if not more helpful, than my classes. As a part of my project teams, I gained the skills and hands-on experiences that really helped me to thrive in an actual engineering environment. In particular, having prior programming, CADing, and soldering experience helped immensely, though I'm sure I would have been fine without these skills too. Everyone in the lab was more than willing to teach me the skills that I needed. |
Electrical Engineering |
Abyssal Transport Through the Samoan Passage |
My job was to take data given to us by JPL/NASA that came from the MIT general circulation model and analyze it using MATLAB. I would extract different sections of the data for an area in the Samoan Passage, do various calculations such as velocity sections and volume transports. I would also make plots to visualize the data. |
Knowledge of physical oceanography, data analysis, MATLAB, calculus, physics |
Oceanography |
Simone Baumann- Pickering PI / Alba Solsona Berga |
Classifying Sound in the Gulf of Mexico |
Responsible for going through spectrograms, verifying ship detections and making sure that natural vs anthropogenic sounds were correctly labeled. |
Physics, general science background, and understanding the scientific process |
Organismal Biology |
Spacial and Temporal Patterns of Cetacean Sounds in the Antarctic |
Mostly logged data (different types of whale sounds) using Triton and MATLAB, pretty reasonable responsibilities because I am a biology major, rather than physics or engineering. |
I am a biology major which was very useful in the bioacoustics lab because I had a solid foundation in ecology which is one of their main focuses. It helped me when analyzing my data for my presentation. |
Biological Sciences, B.S. |